
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Investigate Botanical Energetics Let Medicine Be Your Food

Investigate Botanical Energetics Let Medicine Be Your FoodAvailable on Amazon Kindle.

  If the physician is able to treat with foodstuffs, not medication, then he has succeeded. If, however, he must use medications, then it should be simple remedies and not compound ones. Rhazes
Food and drink are compound drugs. The underlying principle is the concept of temper. Temper means to bring the Five Fold Temperaments of Medicine into an even state by a neutralizing or counterbalancing botanical. Attaining the temperate state preserves the body temperature, conserves strength and restores health. For those in a weakened unbalanced state, choose a therapeutic regimen using hygiene (food, drink, exercise, drugs).
Follow Avicenna’s Three Basic Principles of Treatment with Medication:
1. Select foods, drugs whose properties are opposite to those of the ailment.
2. What is the degree of heat, cold, humidity, and dryness of the medication?
3. Establish the drug dose.
There are external factors when choosing a botanical:
1. Know the seasonal differences.
For instance, in summer with hot temperatures, you want to eat cooling foods—cucumbers, melons, ices, lettuce, etc. In winter choose warming botanicals—allspice, nutmeg, garlic, onions, etc.
2. Consider your age, constitution to personalize your choice of diet.

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